PP v10 features

The following are the new features in Version 10 that are not available in 9. We will keep expanding this to reflect more features as we develop them


Double click on the canvas and enable background editor . Once the canvas outline is red you will enter background editor.

To make changes to the background use the menu above the canvas

  1. Background Colour - Choose background colour add transparency or add new colours to the list.
  2. Convert to a picture item - If you've added a background you can convert it to a picture and vice versa.
  3. Background positioning - There are four types of background positions available namely DefaultFill, Fit, and Stretch
  4. Delete Background - Delete background.
  5. Transparency - Adjust background transparency.


Add new text to canvas.


  1. Edit picture - takes you to photo editor.
  2. Change to background - Change the picture to a background or vice versa.
  3. Crop -Crop picture.
  4. Cut - Cut item.
  5. Delete - Delete Item.
  6. Copy - Copy Item.
  7. Align - Align Item.
  8. Layer - Layer item/items.
  9. Transparency - Add transparency to item.
  10. Transform - Transform item.


  1. Filter images.
  2. More Photo Editor Features 

  1. Brightness - Adjust image brightness.
  2. Contrast - Adjust image contrast.
  3. Saturation -  Adjust image saturation.
  4. Tint -  Adjust image tinting.
  5. Blur - Blur image.
  6. Noise - Add noise to image.
  7. Reset - Reset image settings to default.


Create free hand drawing on the canvas. After writing on the canvas the context menu will show up giving you the ability to edit your drawings.

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