How to attach customer designs to email (Word Press)

The following is an article on having your customer's designs attached to an email.

Note: This code has been written only for Woocommerce Cart plugin with WordPress.

Kindly follow these instructions:

  1. Move your email template to your theme folder so you may edit it.
    1. Backend -> Woocommerce -> Settings -> Emails -> Select Template -> Copy file to theme.
    2. Remember theme template location to use in the following step.
  2. Place the below code at the bottom of your desired email template file (location of file remembered in above step).
  3. /* PitchPrint Attachments Start*/
     * Delete files greater than 5 minutes old
    function custom_delete_old_pp_designs($dir)
    	$lifeTime = time() - 300;
    	foreach (glob("$dir/*.pdf") as $file) {
        	if (filemtime($file)  < $lifeTime) unlink($file);
     * Saves PitchPrint items design to your server
    function custom_get_pp_pdf($ppPdfBase, $pId, $dest)
    	$file 		= $dest."/MyDesign_".time().'.pdf';
    	$getFile 	= "$ppPdfBase=$pId";
    	$success 	= copy($getFile, $file);
    	if ($success) return $file;
    	return false;
     * Returns PP Attachments for email
     * And empties folder from old pp designs
    function custom_append_pp_designs($obj)
    	$ppFetchPDFBaseUrl  = '';
    	$pluginUpldDir 		= get_home_path().'wp-content/plugins/pitchprint/uploader/files';
    	$data 				= [];
    	// Remove old designs from upload dir
    	// Fetch all PitchPrint designs in this order
    	foreach ($obj->get_items() as $item_id => $item) {
    		$meta = wc_get_order_item_meta($item_id, '_w2p_set_option');
    		if ($meta) {
                $ppData =  (strpos($meta,'%7') !== FALSE) ? json_decode(urldecode($meta)) : json_decode($meta);
                if ( isset($ppData->files) ) {
                 	foreach ($ppData->files as $file) {
                        $regex = "/http.*?uploader\/files/";
    				    $result = preg_replace($regex, $pluginUpldDir, $file);
                        $data[] = $result;
                } else {
    				$pId 	= $ppData->projectId;
    				$data[] = custom_get_pp_pdf($ppFetchPDFBaseUrl, $pId, $pluginUpldDir);
    	// Return attachments
    	return $data;
    function attach_pitchprint_designs_pdf_to_email ( $attachments , $id, $object, $new ) {
    	return custom_append_pp_designs($object);
    add_action( 'check_pitchprint_item_need_attach', 'custom_attach_pitchprint_designs');
     * Check whether we need to append the attachments.
    function custom_attach_pitchprint_designs($obj)
    	foreach ($obj->get_items() as $item_id => $item) {
    		$meta = wc_get_order_item_meta($item_id, '_w2p_set_option');
    		if ($meta) {
    			add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_attachments', 'attach_pitchprint_designs_pdf_to_email',10, 4);
    			return true;
    do_action('check_pitchprint_item_need_attach', $order);
    /* PitchPrint Attachments End*/
  4. Ensure wp-content/plugins/pitchprint/uploader/files 777 permissions.
  5. Run a test by emailing yourself on an order, with a PitchPrint design item and the selected status you chose for your template/s.

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