How to attach customer designs to email (Word Press)
The following is an article on having your customer's designs attached to an email.
Note: This code has been written only for Woocommerce Cart plugin with WordPress.
Kindly follow these instructions:
- Move your email template to your theme folder so you may edit it.
- Backend -> Woocommerce -> Settings -> Emails -> Select Template -> Copy file to theme.
- Remember theme template location to use in the following step.
- Place the below code at the bottom of your desired email template file (location of file remembered in above step).
- Ensure wp-content/plugins/pitchprint/uploader/files 777 permissions.
- Run a test by emailing yourself on an order, with a PitchPrint design item and the selected status you chose for your template/s.
/* PitchPrint Attachments Start*/ /* * Delete files greater than 5 minutes old */ function custom_delete_old_pp_designs($dir) { $lifeTime = time() - 300; foreach (glob("$dir/*.pdf") as $file) { if (filemtime($file) < $lifeTime) unlink($file); } } /* * Saves PitchPrint items design to your server */ function custom_get_pp_pdf($ppPdfBase, $pId, $dest) { $file = $dest."/MyDesign_".time().'.pdf'; $getFile = "$ppPdfBase=$pId"; $success = copy($getFile, $file); if ($success) return $file; return false; } /* * Returns PP Attachments for email * And empties folder from old pp designs */ function custom_append_pp_designs($obj) { $ppFetchPDFBaseUrl = ''; $pluginUpldDir = get_home_path().'wp-content/plugins/pitchprint/uploader/files'; $data = []; // Remove old designs from upload dir custom_delete_old_pp_designs($pluginUpldDir); // Fetch all PitchPrint designs in this order foreach ($obj->get_items() as $item_id => $item) { $meta = wc_get_order_item_meta($item_id, '_w2p_set_option'); if ($meta) { $ppData = (strpos($meta,'%7') !== FALSE) ? json_decode(urldecode($meta)) : json_decode($meta); if ( isset($ppData->files) ) { foreach ($ppData->files as $file) { $regex = "/http.*?uploader\/files/"; $result = preg_replace($regex, $pluginUpldDir, $file); $data[] = $result; } } else { $pId = $ppData->projectId; $data[] = custom_get_pp_pdf($ppFetchPDFBaseUrl, $pId, $pluginUpldDir); } } } // Return attachments return $data; } function attach_pitchprint_designs_pdf_to_email ( $attachments , $id, $object, $new ) { return custom_append_pp_designs($object); } add_action( 'check_pitchprint_item_need_attach', 'custom_attach_pitchprint_designs'); /* * Check whether we need to append the attachments. */ function custom_attach_pitchprint_designs($obj) { foreach ($obj->get_items() as $item_id => $item) { $meta = wc_get_order_item_meta($item_id, '_w2p_set_option'); if ($meta) { add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_attachments', 'attach_pitchprint_designs_pdf_to_email',10, 4); return true; } } } do_action('check_pitchprint_item_need_attach', $order); /* PitchPrint Attachments End*/