How to Add a Placeholder image for Mask Shapes
This doc is a guide on how to add a placeholder image for a mask shape (also known as a clickable mask.)
Have a look at the following doc for more on clickable mask:
Demo store:
Now that you have a better understanding, I can show you how to change the placeholder image.
So why would you want a placeholder image?
Placeholder images function as a guide for your clients to know to click on the shape to place an image inside.
Below is an example of our placeholder image:
1. You will have to source a image or design you'd like to use, I'd recommend PNG files.
(Attached are 2 sample placeholder images)
2. Go to the PitchPrint Admin Settings:
Scroll until you see the Mask upload indicator setting (it's in the editor section.)
3. Click the 'Change Picture' button it will open a browser window, find your image and upload it.
4. Lastly click the 'Save Settings' button (top right.)
Make sure to test it from your store front.