Managing your Designs
The Designs section in PitchPrint admin is where you get to create, edit, configure or delete designs assigned to a domain. Designs here are sorted based on categories, like a single-level folder system. So every design belongs to a parent category.
Design Categories
Shown above is a design category titled Blue Business Cards with 4 designs. To create a Category, simply click the Create New Category button on the top right corner of the page and provide a category title for it.
Clicking the More Option opens up a list of actions you can perform all on that single category as shown below:
The menu list is self explanatory.
The Bulk Configuration Panel is a means of applying a configuration settings across board to all the designs in that category. Some settings are excluded like the title since those are unique to each design. Clicking it shows the configuration panel which is a limited version of that shown per design. Please refer to the section titled Configuring each Design below for an explanation of each setting on that panel.
Kindly remember, whatever action you take using the Bulk Configuration panel will be applied across to all designs included in that directory as against each design.
How to Create a new Design
This topic is pretty expansive and has been covered in another documentation. Click here to learn How to create a new Design
Configuring each Design
Each design in a category can be managed by moving your mouse over each to reveal a set of menus against it, as shown in the image below:
The first icon allows you preview the design pages, the second allows you to configure that individual design's settings. Clicking the configure icon launches the configuration panel as shown below:
- Design Title: This is the design's label.
- Welcome Message: Here, you can write a custom message or instructions which will be shown once the application is launched and the design is shown.
- Tags: Here you can add tags which will allow you to assign a layout to a design please have a look at the following document to learn more about layouts and tags.
- Show Customize Form: This is used to display or hide the customization form that should appear once the design loads. This form is a quick means of allowing customers provide their details especially for text based designs in an easy to edit form. Whatever data they provide is used to update the design. To understand how this works, please read more on the topic: Item Names & Chains
- Hide Tabs: Use this option to toggle visibility of each of the 3 tabs: Background, Pictures and Text tabs. By default, they are all off, which means they will all be shown. If for example you don't want customers to change this design's background, then you can turn ON the first switch and when the application loads, the background tab will be hidden.
- Lock Background: If enabled, the customer cannot change the background.
- Disable Image Click: If this switch is ON, customers cannot click images on the left Pictures panel to them to canvas. They will only be able to drag and drop their pictures. You may need this feature if you have a canvas design with mask spots where you only want users to drag pictures into specific mask containers as against clicking which will just place it on the canvas.
- Snap to Page Only: If enabled, item snapping will only be limited to page boundaries.
- GrayScaleImage Uploads: This is a premium feature that will convert any user uploaded images into greyscale while in this design. This is not a site wide feature. You may need this feature if your product can only be printed in black / white and non-color.
- Enable Client PDF Download: Enabling this option will allow your customers to download the PDF after creating their designs.
- Split Masks: If enabled, each mask will be split into a PDF.
- Chain Colors: If enabled, colors with the same chain values will be synced.
- Image DPI Check: This is where you set DPI limit for any picture your users can add to the canvas. For this design, this value overrides the one you might have set on the settings page. Please read more here to learn more about DPI Check
- New Text Color: Here, you get to set the default color of any text created by the user while editing this design. You can supply the RGB and CMYK values. To read more about colors, please click here
- Thumbnail Preview: By default, the app uses the design page snapshots as previews where the design is required to be displayed, like in the design selector module. If however you set a thumbnail here, this will be used instead of the design snapshots. This can be used to show perhaps how perhaps the design looks on a product.
- Default Font: This is the default font for this design. So when a new text is added to the canvas, it uses the font you have set here.
- Default Tab: Here you set the default tab that should be shown when the design loads. For instance, If it's a photo album design, you may want them to see Photos -> Upload so customers get right straight to work uploading their photos.
- Layouts: This is where you get to set the layout that should be loaded for this design. You can set different layouts for both mobile phones and desktop. Selecting the first -- option for mobile means it will use the default PitchPrint mobile layout, which we strongly advise. You can read more about layouts here. Only available on version 9.
- Unit: Select the unit of measurement for your design. We have five different units to choose from Centimeters, Millimeters, Inches, Feet and Pixels.
- Limit Text Characters: Limit the characters a user can type into the designer by using Regex.
- Minimum Font Size: Set the minimum font size that will be used when text is added to this design.
The resources tab allows you to sieve or filter what resource gets loaded per design. This is for Pictures, Backgrounds, Colors, Fonts and Text Art styles.
There are two modes to choose from Exclude or Include. If you select Exclude and nothing was selected in the input box, this means every category in that resource will be loaded when that design loads. If still you have Exclude but selected certain categories of resource, then everything will be loaded EXCEPT those you have selected. The reverse is for include.
Here, you will manage and assign modules to each design. Please read more about individual modules here